Friday, July 31, 2009

Blog Roundup

Ever have one of those days where you're just like "What the fuck? Seriously. WHAT. THE. FUCK." I don't want to say today was bad. Work went well. The weather was nice. I may have found an apartment. But other things that I needed to go right, did not. And I'm struggling not to let it piss all over my weekend.

Anyway, this post is for me to share some of the blogs that have been consuming a lot of my free time lately. I've been feeling radicalized on three related subjects: feminism, fat/body acceptance, and racism. In my net travels, I've stumbled onto a few blogs that I felt were giving voice to feelings I've had and some I didn't know I had.

While doing research for a school project, I found the feminist blog Bitch PhD, which led me to Shapely Prose, a fat/body acceptance blog that opened and then blew my mind. Reading that blog was the first time I came to see fat acceptance as a social justice movement. Reading SP also led me to Fat Nutritionist, Angry Black Bitch, an awesome blog about many things, but mostly about some of the affects of racism. ABB led me to Racialicious, which bills itself as "the intersection of race and pop culture," and features an awesome podcast called Addicted to Race. I actually don't remember how I found out about Jezebel. I must have seen it linked elsewhere. It's an excellent blog that takes on sexism in the media in the snarky voice of its parent, Gawker.

So, this is where I'm spending a good portion of my online time. Read. Agree. Disagree. Or Ignore. It's your call.

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